Featured News
CommonWell Health Alliance Expands With New Vendors And HIEs
The expansion is expected to help support meaningful interoperability. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
CVS Creates First Private Portal To Connect To HealthFinder.gov
The collaboration will put lifesaving information about preventive services in consumers’ hands. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
70% Of Consumers Support Electronic Transmission
The majority of patients support the electronic transmission of their health records, despite privacy concerns. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
HIE Cuts Excess Radiology Exams In Half
The use of a health information exchange dramatically reduced the number of radiology exams ordered by doctors according to a recent study. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Can The Cloud Facilitate Interoperability?
Managing and sharing the increasing amount of data being generated may be made easier by leveraging cloud technology. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Interoperability Momentum Builds At Houston HIE
Majority of hospital market now participating in regional health information exchange By Christine Kern, contributing writer
76% Of Hospitals Engaged In Electronic Sharing Of Health Info Last Year
This represents a 23 percent increase since 2013 and an 85 percent increase since 2008, the year AHA started collecting this information. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
HIT Use Doubled Since 2012, Yet Providers Remain Pessimistic
According to an Accenture survey, although the use of health IT has doubled in the past few years, fewer providers believe electronic health records improve treatment decisions. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Epic, Other Vendors Waive Data Sharing Fees
The decision follows criticism of vendors for impeding interoperability and information exchange. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Data Sharing Between Providers Concerns Patients
Although most patients believe providers protect their data, many are concerned data sharing puts their information at risk. By Katie Wike, contributing writer