Featured News
Government Mandates Complicating HIT
Healthcare executives believe government mandates are negatively impacting their industry, as well as affecting their HIT strategy. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
HIE Data Used To Study Healthcare Of Homeless
Researchers hope to leverage the study’s results to improve healthcare for the homeless. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Private HIEs More Popular Than Public
According to the latest data from Black Book Rankings, providers are frequently choosing private HIE vendors over public ones. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
What's New At HIMSS15?
The annual HIMSS conference is right around the corner, what should you look for at this year’s events?. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
HIEs 'Making Progress'
According to a survey conducted by HIMSS, providers believe HIEs improved in several areas including security and physician support. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Georgia HIE Experiences Rapid Growth
In the past six months, the organization has seen a 450 percent increase in data sources providing information and a 250% increase in system usage. By Julia Ernst, MS, contributing writer
States Using CMS Grants For HIT
States with CMS-backed SHIP grants plan to use them to invest in health IT, according to a new report from Accenture. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
HIT Does Not Guarantee Better Care, Study Suggests
A recent study concluded EHR use does not produce coordinated care. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Health IT Funding Doubled In 2014
From $2 billion in 2013 to $4.7 billion last year, digital health funding is skyrocketing. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
IEEEs Top 10 Technology Trends for 2015
Wearables, 3D printing, and SDx are among the trending technology predicted to flourish in 2015. By Christine Kern, contributing writer