Healthcare Records Management, ECM, Medical Records Management, and Records Management Solution Resources Healthcare Records Management, ECM, Medical Records Management, and Records Management Solution Resources


  • 4 Ways AI Is The Future Of Hospitals

    Hospitals are often caught in a tug-of-war choosing between time-tested methods and the razor’s edge of new research when it comes to adopting new treatments, processes, and technology. Venturing into the uncharted waters of advanced technologies and innovative techniques can be unsettling, but the payoff for hospital systems and patients can lead to improved patient experience, quality, and outcomes.

  • Improving Patient Outcomes & Driving Revenue In An Era Of Value-Based Care

    Healthcare costs per capita in the United States are increasing at an alarming rate. Overall spending reached $3.8 trillion in 2019. Between $760-$935 billion of the overall cost of healthcare is attributed to waste, overtreatment, low-value care, and failure of care coordination.

  • Changed For The Better: A Shared Digital Communication Solution

    Fortunately for humans, we’re masters at adaptation. Whether it’s encountering different climates, environments, cultures, or even pandemics, homo sapiens have a knack for being able to deal with just about anything that Mother Nature throws at us. Though cultural anthropology dubs this ability to acclimate “biological plasticity,” actor Clint Eastwood, as a Marine in a 1980s war film, puts it more succinctly: “You adapt. You overcome. You improvise.”

  • Consumer-Oriented Patients Expect A Better Technology Experience

    Feeling much like an Olympic gymnast’s acrobatic routine, patients’ healthcare experience over the past 18 months has endured a dizzying series of twists, turns, and somersaults—albeit without the benefit of Dramamine. Patients found themselves caught up in COVID-induced disruptions and often didn’t know if or when they could safely access care. Thankfully now, things are returning to some semblance of normalcy as the vaccine proliferates and cases plunge.



  • Is Big Data Fueling Breaches?

    Data breaches continue to dominate healthcare headlines, leading one to wonder if the unprecedented growth of Big Data is to blame? Health Data Consortium CEO Chris Boone shares his thoughts on this subject and more.


Records management (RM) in healthcare is the physical or digital management of medical records in clinics, hospitals, and practices of every size. Medical records must follow a strict set of requirements to remain in compliance with the latest regulations and with the latest Records Retention Requirements.

Medical records management involves filing and storing patient charts, ensuring proper destruction of records, ensuring adherence to regulations, following retention schedules, and scanning medical records. It can also include management of accounting records, contracts, and other administrative records that are related to the healthcare organization.

Storage is a major challenge to successful medical records management. Paper records can take up significant space and are easily visible, whereas electronic records do not take up as much space. Electronic records, however, require significant training, rules, and procedures along with a system/solution and computer terminals to perform the management tasks.


  • Will Robots Replace Healthcare Providers?

    Automation has been making human workers superfluous for centuries, but until recently, workers whose jobs required high-level cognitive skills have been able to rest easy, confident no machine could possibly replace them when it came to making nuanced decisions based on the evaluation of complicated, sometimes contradictory data. By Khal Rai, Senior Vice President, Product Development & Operations, SRS Health