Feature Content
FinTechs Made Personal Wealth Management Easier: Can MedTechs Do The Same For Personal Health?
The financial meltdown of 2007 did away with the image of banks as safe havens for wealth. A joint coup between emerging technologies and FinTech innovators triggered a change in how wealth was managed. The idea that an alternative to conventional banking models could exist suddenly seemed viable. FinTech brought a fresh approach to wealth management with digital platforms and mobile apps. These organizations put consumers in direct control of how they manage, move, and spend money. A precedent has been set for the future of wealth management. Can other industries follow suit?
HIT's Role In Improving Opioid Tracking In The Hospital
Contrary to popular belief, pharmaceutical companies are not solely responsible for the opioid crisis we’re now experiencing. Physicians are also to blame. Pharmas tell us that only 1 in 1,000 patients become addicted to opioids, so don’t fear them. Meanwhile, physicians are naturally and understandably patient-focused, so their primary concern has always been to do whatever they can to relieve a patient’s pain in the most effective manner possible. In general, we were led to believe that opioid addiction and withdrawal are associated with long-term use, not as the result of the treatment decisions made while a patient is in the hospital.
Vendor Neutral Archives And The Public Cloud – Today's Cure For The Healthcare Industry's Data “Super-Bug”
Continuous advances in technology, from diagnostic imaging to payer-provider tracking and analytics software, are a boon for healthcare organizations and the patients they serve. Yet, the exponential explosion in data management and storage requirements that follow can cause quite a headache for the IT department. Add to that, ever-changing and increasingly stringent compliance regulations and you can easily understand why data management and storage has become a “super-bug” in many healthcare organizations.
Why Healthcare Underperforms In Cybersecurity: Fractured Operations Environments Challenge Budgets, Staff
Within the realm of cybersecurity, the healthcare vertical often bears the dubious distinction of being considered the most vulnerable sector to cyberattacks, having the weakest overall cyber defenses. Before categorically accepting these assumptions, the first question we should explore is, “Is this true,” followed quickly with, “If so, then why,” and then, “What should be done about it?”
Systems Of Intelligence And The Future Of Healthcare
Over the last decade, progress toward the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Triple Aim—improved patient outcomes and increased patient satisfaction, with reduced costs—has been driven by the implementation of systems of record and systems of engagement. Systems of record—predominantly electronic health records (EHRs)—capture the data that healthcare organizations need, while systems of engagement such as mobile monitoring tools, planning and scheduling tools, and patient portals transform the data into actionable information.
HIT: Finding The Right Cloud-Based IT Solution To Overcome Compliance And Security Concerns
Technology-driven healthcare innovations are emerging at a rapid pace to address quality initiatives and to support reimbursement models using EHR (electronic healthcare records). The complexity of these changes and new requirements can often appear overwhelming from an IT perspective. The need to consider workflow and clinical outcomes at every step of the way further complicates IT planning in the ambulatory environment. We look at top concerns for compliance and security and how cloud-based models can provide an excellent solution.
Leveraging The New HIT Landscape To Drive Clinical And Financial Excellence
In 2010, only about 15 percent of the nation’s hospitals had at least a basic clinical EHR in place. Thanks to the roll-out of the Meaningful Use program, that number had climbed to 95 percent by 2016. Although Meaningful Use was developed to promote the adoption of health information technology to improve clinical outcomes, the journey has been very painful for most clinicians, including nurses, physicians, pharmacists and others.
Hackers Are Not Natural Disasters Or Acts Of God
Data breaches are unfortunately becoming more and more common as the never-ending march toward digital transformation carries on while picking up pace. No other sector is as directly impacted by breaches than health care as medical records are considered an order of magnitude more valuable than even credit cards.
65 Percent Of Patient-Doctor Interactions Through Mobile Devices?
With millions of mobile applications available to users and mobile based solutions being used in nearly every single healthcare organization across the world, mobile technology is a great industry anticipated to remain developing over the next many years. Some of the reports suggest that the international mobile health industry is estimated to generate more than $28 billion in 2018.
CMS's Proposed PI Rule Changes Is A Good Start, But Does It Address Enough?
Federal healthcare organizations such as CMS have spent billions of dollars over the years trying to bridge the gap between medical data and quality patient care with interoperability requirements and data integration, the mesh used to try and bridge the gap. Many government rules have been written to address the type of mesh needed and many EHR companies have claimed to meet these government requirements and claim the throne of the ultimate mesh maker.