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EHR Systems Have 3 Major Hurdles To Overcome Before They Can Truly Improve Patient Care
The vast majority of healthcare facilities have now adopted some form of electronic health records (EHRs), but the transition has been a challenge for many providers. A recent survey by Stanford Medicine has revealed what many doctors already know: that a majority of them are unhappy with their current EHR systems. In fact, more than half of respondents said their current EHR systems need a “complete overhaul.”
Closing Gaps In Care With Digital Care Coordination
The rates for closing gaps in care are some of the most widely used, quantitative metrics to measure quality, allocate incentives, and control costs. Both health plans and providers are each financially incentivized to close gaps in care. For health plans, programs through Medicaid (HEDIS) and Medicare (STARS) have meaningful incentives and/or penalties tied to a members’ ability to receive certain healthcare services. Similarly, valued-based providers can control costs by providing certain recurring services to their patients. Fee for service providers also benefit from the additional volume generated by closing gaps in care. Gap closure uniquely aligns quality and financial incentives across health plans and providers.
Patient Matching: Challenge Accepted
Patient misidentification in healthcare is costly to the system and puts patient safety at risk. Records linking and identifier solutions tackle this complicated problem with remarkable results.
The Self-Servicing Of Healthcare: Progress Or Patient Abandonment?
For most people, it’s difficult to remember when automated teller machines (ATMs) did not exist. Prior to the introduction of ATMs, every banking task required filling out a short form, waiting in line to interact with a teller and maybe even waiting for that teller to speak with a manager to sign off on your transaction. Of course, all of this assumed that you could even get to the bank in between the tight business hours that it kept.
Why ACOs Need More From HIT
As Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) take on more risk under the new Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), they must provide quality care while generating cost savings. This challenge is especially pronounced within the fast-growing senior population, the group most likely to experience a serious or advanced illness and who often need extensive healthcare services.
How To Build Your Tech Stack Around The Patient Experience—And Why You Should
Technology is disrupting the healthcare industry, including patients’ expectations about their care experience. Thus, healthcare organizations should implement technology that enhances the patient experience—and use behavior design to ensure adoption.
Improving Community Health With Digital Care Coordination
As communities across the country face their own socioeconomic and health challenges, it is not uncommon for hospital emergency departments (ED) to be overcrowded and overutilized, particularly by under- or un-insured patients with non-emergent care needs. There are many reasons for this ED overuse and misuse, but a lot of times, it is simply due to patients’ lack of awareness of the safety-net and free clinics available to them in the area.
Lowering The HIT Footprint By Endpoint Modernization
Healthcare providers, working with tight operating margins, face a classic horns-of-the-dilemma scenario: they must continue to grow their business, and to do so, they must remain competitive in their level of service. This necessitates a refresh of IT technology and a resultant uptick in budget, at a time when overall operational costs continue to rise. All these pressures are felt at the endpoint, and more so now that doctors and nurses are using multiple devices and often traveling to varied locations during a work week. Providing a secure, consistent user experience at the endpoint – one that contributes to quality of care - is now more important than ever.
What Is HIPAA's Role In Disaster Recovery?
Business continuity is critical to every organization and every industry - but if you work in healthcare, it’s even more important. In large part, that’s due to HIPAA. That’s not the only reason, though.
Medical Call Centers, Or Next-Generation Clinics?
Technology is rapidly changing the way we communicate — not only with our friends and loved ones, but with businesses as well. As mobile devices expand in both quantity and capability, technology is now impacting nearly every facet of our lives. For example, conversations that used to happen face-to-face are now occurring over chat or video. In the medical field, this shift is rapidly changing the way that patients receive care from a clinic or provider as well.