Singapore's First Healthcare-IT Laboratory Set Up To Help Public Hospitals Transform Patient Care
Singapore’s first healthcare technology laboratory is being set up with a leading international IT company to create cutting edge software for public hospitals to transform patient care.
Link-Age Connect Industry Study Finds Younger, More Mobile Consumers Will Drive Future Demand For Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)
The results of a recently released study between Link-age Connect and Aging in Place Technology Watch concludes that technological advancements, such as those found in Numera Libris, will drive the PERS market expansion toward a younger, more mobile group who are interested in managing their health while living an active lifestyle.
Utah Education Network And University Of Utah Select Ciena For Metro Optical Network
Ciena Corporation, the network specialist, recently announced that the Utah Education Network (UEN) and the University of Utah have deployed Ciena’s 6500 Packet-Optical Platform, equipped with WaveLogic Coherent Optical Processors, to provide high-speed, high-capacity 100G connectivity between the University and its new downtown Salt Lake City data center, and to UEN member organizations.
Participants Sought For National Study
Delta Health Technologies, LLC (“Delta”) urges homecare agencies of all types and demographics to participate in the 2013 National State of the Home Care Industry Study during the month of March.
Philips Healthcare And Vidyo Enable Enterprise-Grade Video For Remote Patient Monitoring
Royal Philips Electronics and Vidyo, Inc. recently announced that the first Philips Healthcare solution incorporating enterprise-grade video for patient monitoring applications – Philips IntelliSpace eCareManager 3.9 enterprise telehealth platform featuring Vidyo’s VidyoRouter technology – was launched during the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2013 conference and exhibition in New Orleans.
Cisco Study Reveals 74 Percent Of Consumers Open To Virtual Doctor Visit
Cisco recently announced at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Conference the results of the Cisco Customer Experience Report focused on health care.
Philips Introduces Breakthrough Graphical Dashboard To Advance Its eICU Telehealth Offering
Royal Philips Electronics recently announces the launch of its IntelliSpace eCareManager 3.9 health care platform, powered by orb, during the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2013 conference and exhibition.
Rubbermaid Healthcare Announces New CareLink Mobile Nurse Station
Rubbermaid Healthcare, the premier provider of mobile and wall-mounted workstations, recently announced the release of CareLink, a new mobile nurse station that enables caregivers to more actively engage with patients and save time, without compromising the quality of care.
Philips Unveils Clinical Information Technology Solutions That Drive Quality, Productivity And Value At HIMSS 2013
At the 2013 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference and Exhibition, Royal Philips Electronics is showcasing its commitment to simplifying clinical workflow, reducing health care costs and improving patient care through its latest health information technology (IT) solutions as part of its robust Clinical IT@work approach.
AMC Health Offers First Money-Back Guarantee To Reduce 30-Day Readmissions By Double Digits Within 90 Days
AMC Health, a leading provider of telehealth solutions, recently announced that it will offer hospitals, health plans, accountable care organizations (ACOs), home health agencies and other customers a money-back guarantee on their multi-faceted program to reduce hospital readmissions for high-risk patients.