In Demand: Registered Health Information Administrators
The monthly job numbers for much of this century typically lead to a slew of depressing headlines at the sluggish pace of job growth. One category that bucks that trend? Registered health information administrators, where demand outstrips supply.
New Integrated EMC Software Solutions Advance Patient Care, Reduce Healthcare Costs
EMC Corporation today announced the availability of its EMC Documentum Integrated Patient Record solutions, specifically designed to transform how healthcare organizations worldwide can access and manage patient information.
Futura Mobility And Abington Memorial Hospital Partner To Bring Telemedicine Solutions To Area Hospitals
Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH), a provider of Telemedicine services in the Philadelphia region, has teamed up with Futura Mobility, a national leader in mobile technology solutions, to collaborate on the design of mobile telemedicine work stations.
Futura Mobility, LLC Launches mHealth And Telemedicine Solutions
Futura Mobility announces the launch of new mHealth and Telemedicine solutions for healthcare providers that improve patient outcomes, enhance access to specialized treatments and reduce healthcare delivery costs.
Will Telehealth Shape The Future Of Medical Treatment?
The provision of healthcare services and information by telecommunication methods – or ‘telehealth’ – holds the potential to change the way many of us receive medical care, states a new report by healthcare sector experts GlobalData.
mHealth: Healthcare Goes Mobile
Mobile health (mHealth) solutions that allow patient consultation and monitoring, among other benefits, are surging in popularity as the spread of smartphones and tablets expands, says healthcare industry analysts GlobalData in a new report.
Healthcare IT VC Funding Continues To Scale New Heights With $293M Raised In Q2 2012
Mercom Capital Group, llc, a global communications and consulting firm, today released its report on funding and merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for the Healthcare IT (HIT) sector for the second quarter of 2012.
Independa, GreatCall Team To Integrate Emergency Response Into Remote Monitoring Of Elderly Living Independently
Telehealth innovator Independa announced recently that it will integrate GreatCall’s 5Star Urgent Response system into its Artemis wireless monitoring platform, enhancing ability to remotely track the well-being of elderly people who live independently.
RDNS Chooses InterSystems HealthShare To Create Breakthrough Connected Care Solutions For Home Nursing
InterSystems Corporation, a global leader in software for connected care, recently announced that Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Australia’s largest provider of home nursing, has chosen InterSystems HealthShare as their strategic healthcare informatics platform to improve services and lower costs.
White Paper Identifies Strategies Healthcare Providers Can Implement To Lower Hospital Readmission Rates And Create New Revenue Streams
pomdevices, LLC., recently announced the availability of a new white paper that examines the common challenges associated with bringing hospital readmission rates under control. In addition, the paper discusses how the implementation of low cost/low involvement strategies, such as remote monitoring and involvement of family caregivers, can create new revenue streams for providers, while improving patient care.