RTLS Top Content
AHA Health Forum Releases List Of Most Wired Hospitals
“Most Wired” hospitals are partnering with other providers to share health data, study found. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Research Finds Effectiveness Of Radar And Bed Sensors To Help Keep Seniors Safe
Monitoring technology helps health providers detect problems early. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
SSM Health Becomes First To Adopt Surescripts National Record Locator Service
NRLS breaks down barriers to truly connected healthcare with information sharing in real-time. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Medical Moneyball — What Healthcare Stands To Learn From The Oakland A's
With all the talk of Big Data, there are still big questions as to how to most effectively leverage information and data to make a positive impact on healthcare delivery, cost, and outcomes. One health system leader thinks an approach developed by a Major League baseball team might be a game changer.
A Road Map To Accelerating Health IT Value And Innovation
Health IT is in a state of constant evolution, and it often seems that, for every problem solved, another is created. That’s why it’s vital we stop to assess where the industry stands from time to time, as well as look to the future to determine the best course to take to achieve our collective goals.
Implementing Tracking Technology To Improve Infection Control
By the end of 2014, the World Health Organization estimated over 17,000 people had been infected with Ebola and over 6,000 have died. Worldwide, this deadly disease has cost approximately $32.6 billion over a two-year span. These data illustrate the critical need for effective and cost-efficient infection control measures but, in reality, few hospitals are equipped to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. By Ari Naim, president and CEO of CenTrak
$4.3 Billion Invested In Digital HIT In 2015
While the number of venture capital-funded deals dropped, the average amount rose. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Top 10 Health IT Trends For 2016
For the past five years, EHR/MU was selected as the top health IT initiative for the coming year. This year, there’s a new top initiative, and what it is should come as no surprise.
Combine Lean & Real-Time Tracking To Improve Outcomes
By combining Kaizen methodologies with real-time asset tracking technology, Health First has reduced patient discharge times, wait times, and overall length of stay.
Do You Know Your HIT?
A Black Book Report uncovered the fact that health IT knowledge is a greatly desired skill for hospital executives. By Katie Wike, contributing writer