Mobile Workstations News
RIM Announces BlackBerry Mobile Voice System 5 With Voice Over Wi-Fi Calling For Avaya And Legacy Nortel Communications Systems
Research In Motion (RIM) is helping more businesses bring together the desk phone and smartphone. RIM recently announced plans to make BlackBerry Mobile Voice System 5 (BlackBerry MVS 5) available to more corporate phone systems and unified communications applications.
All Med Goes Live On eRAD PACS
All Med, an urgent care practice operating full-service, walk-in health care in Alabama's River Region, has deployed eRAD PACS as part of its overall strategy to bring quality medical treatment to patients.
Voalte And American Nurse Today Partner To Launch Survey Examining Clinical Communications
Voalte, the leader in clinical communications, and American Nurse Today, the official journal of the American Nurses Association, have partnered to conduct the first clinical communications survey to help the healthcare world better understand the voice of the bedside clinician.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Launches Initiative To Assess How Data Can Be Used To Improve Health
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently announced the launch of Data for Health, an initiative that seeks to explore how information and data on health can be harnessed to help people lead healthier lives.
PrescribeWellness Partners With Karmadata To Improve Medication Adherence
PrescribeWellness recently announced a partnership with karmadata, an innovative data management company, that will provide pharmacy customers more targeted patient communications designed to improve adherence and health management outcomes.
Ascribe Announces Go Live Of Emergency Department Solution At Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Dental Hospital
Ascribe has announced recently the ‘Go Live’ of the Ascribe Symphony Emergency Department (“ED”) Clinical Solution in the University Dental Hospital at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Saint Francis Health System Further Expanding Its Perceptive Software Solutions With Vendor Neutral Archive For Medical Image Management
Perceptive Acuo VNA will unify clinical content from all healthcare systems to improve image sharing, enable workflow and lifecycle management and enhance access to patient information at the point of care.
Dialysis Clinic, Inc., Selects Sandlot Solutions To Support Comprehensive End-Stage Renal Disease Care Initiative
Sandlot Solutions, a leading community health interoperability and analytics provider, recently announced the beginning of a five-year contract with Dialysis Clinic, Inc. (DCI), a nonprofit corporation providing comprehensive care for patients with kidney disease.
Window Into Healthcare: A Snapshot Of The Future For Physicians And hospitals
One month before the anticipated Supreme Court ruling on the future of healthcare reform, physicians and healthcare executives will gather in Dallas to discuss how they can address changes in the field.
Globaltel Media CEO Named Trustee Of Rady Children¹s Hospital IT Task Force
Globaltel Media recently announced that its CEO Robert Sanchez has been appointed to the Rady Children¹s Hospital Information Technology Task Force as a trustee. In this role, Mr. Sanchez will share his expertise and provide guidance to improve patient care and hospital efficiency through the use of proven technologies in the healthcare field.