Featured News
Advanced Analytics Installed In 222-Physician Pilot Program
The Mdinsight software from Symphony Performance Healthcare will provide McLaren Physician Partners in Flint, MI with tools for population health management and referral management analytics By Julia Ernst, MS, contributing writer
PACS Solution Makes Reporting A Breeze
On or off campus, MRC physicians gain instant access to patient images and reporting. By Karla Paris, contributing writer
Kaiser Permanente Honored With HIMSS Stage 7 Award
The Stage 7 Ambulatory Award was given to 350 ambulatory clinics within the organization. By Julia Ernst, MS, contributing writer
Analytics Are Key For Network's Population Health
Comparative analytics shape best practices for network of health care sites. By Karla Paris, contributing writer
Health System Selects PHM Solution
The system will provide Southeastern Health with a tool for population health management. By Julia Ernst, contributing writer
Majority Of Execs Expect ROI On Population Health Tools In Less Than 4 Years
Most healthcare executives and managers in a recent survey said they expect to see returns on their population health management investments in two to four years. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Data Exchange Improves Care And Clinical Outcomes
e-MDs is the first to exchange provider data directly with the newly-created Kansas infectious disease registry.By Karla Paris, contributing writer
FTC: More Data Transparency Needed
According to FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez, better data security would ease patients’ concerns about the safety of their PHI. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Consumers Split On Sharing Data For Research
According to a poll, patients are split evenly when it comes to sharing their personal health data. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Hospital Quality Reports Used As Cost Cutting Tool
The CMS website for hospital quality reporting is being leveraged by insurers to reduce costs. By Katie Wike, contributing writer