HIE Featured Content
Why Patient-Generated Data Is Critical To HIEs
Health systems of all types have increasingly recognized the need to empower and engage patients in their care processes, ranging from disease prevention through to end-of-life care. To achieve that end, patient-generated health data (PGHD) is an important component. PGHD has had a place in the clinic for decades in the form of the patient symptom diary.
Why Build When You Can Buy? -- Considering A White Labelled Telemedicine Solution
Telemedicine is one of the fastest growing sectors of the healthcare industry. How fast? In 2015, about 1 million patients used a telemedicine service; over the next three years, that number grew to 7 million. And many industry experts expect 2019 to be the “tipping point” at which telemedicine truly scales up across all areas of healthcare.
The Future Of HIEs
The United States government passed the 21st Century Cures Act in December 2016 that paved the way for a more streamlined device and drug approval process. The objective of this act was to bring new treatments to the market faster. While the debate in mainstream media focused on the merits of approving drugs based on weaker evidence and bypassing randomized, controlled trials, there were other provisions in the law that were truly remarkable.
Why ACOs Need More From HIT
As Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) take on more risk under the new Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), they must provide quality care while generating cost savings. This challenge is especially pronounced within the fast-growing senior population, the group most likely to experience a serious or advanced illness and who often need extensive healthcare services.
HIT's Role In Improving Opioid Tracking In The Hospital
Contrary to popular belief, pharmaceutical companies are not solely responsible for the opioid crisis we’re now experiencing. Physicians are also to blame. Pharmas tell us that only 1 in 1,000 patients become addicted to opioids, so don’t fear them. Meanwhile, physicians are naturally and understandably patient-focused, so their primary concern has always been to do whatever they can to relieve a patient’s pain in the most effective manner possible. In general, we were led to believe that opioid addiction and withdrawal are associated with long-term use, not as the result of the treatment decisions made while a patient is in the hospital.
Healthcare Is Stepping Up To The Plate To Revamp The Industry!
Technology is evolving at a stormy speed with time, and the new technological advancements have not left even the healthcare industry untouched. A plenty of new-age solutions, transformation of the EHRs and EMRs, patient portals with enhance offerings etc. are already marking the advancement of healthcare technology. However, in the coming years, healthcare industry is going to get a lot more than anticipated when it comes to the high-grade technological solutions. With the integration of AI based solutions to the application of machine learning, healthcare industry seems to have a highly advanced future.
New Best Practices In Patient Data Transfer For EMTALA Support
The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) stipulates that if an individual comes to an emergency treatment facility in need of care, the hospital must either treat the individual to stabilize the medical condition or transfer the individual to a facility that can treat the condition. In any event, a hospital must provide medical care, regardless of the individual’s insurance status or ability to pay.
A Fresh Perspective On HIT
PatientKeeper recently named Christopher Maiona, M.D., as the company’s new Chief Medical Officer. Maiona will serve as PatientKeeper’s senior clinical leader, and brings nearly 20 years of expertise in hospital medicine to the company, both as a practicing physician and as an executive at provider organizations.
Let SamSam Ransomware Serve As A Reminder To Lock Down Your Environment
When SamSam ransomware brought down Allscripts systems last month, it negatively impacted medical professionals' ability to provide appropriate patient care for more than a week. While this particular attack went after the EHR vendor, an attack like SamSam could very well take a more localized approach of going after healthcare providers’ EHR environment directly. The consequences of not being able to treat patients effectively should be a reminder for health care providers to ensure they have fundamental security controls in place to protect the integrity of their own environments.
Keeping Health Data Secure Online
Using online systems and messaging platforms to discuss, transfer, or store patient and health data is increasingly implemented in the medical industry. Physicians and hospitals are being required to move their physical files into cloud-based storage solutions in order to release physical office space as well as the administrative burden that accompanies paper files. However, ransomware attacks and cyberattacks have become more common. Some physician offices have paid out the ransom for the safe return of their data. Due to the sensitivity of the health and personal data housed in your online cloud-based systems, how can you effectively encrypt your stored and outgoing data to prevent possible attacks altogether?