Featured Document Management Articles
3 Steps To Leveraging Analytics For Revenue Cycle Improvements
Now more than ever, healthcare organizations are realizing the benefits of implementing a robust BI and data analytics program. To start, with revenue cycle optimization, analytics can increase and accelerate revenue, as well as eliminate revenue cycle inefficiencies. A strong BI program can also contribute to an organization’s quest to prepare for value-based reimbursement; however, before realizing any of these benefits, organizations must develop a plan specific to its needs and positioned to attain near- and long-term results. By Jeff Wood, vice president of product management, Navicure
Reducing Diagnostic Errors Through Clinical Decision Support
Physicians have long approached diagnoses as a mixture of art and science. CDS is a means to bolster the science portion by providing a broader clinical view of the patient, including clinical details from ambulatory EMRs and the systems of labs, radiology departments, and more combined with evidence-based best practices. CDS systems operate mainly in the background of an EMR, monitoring clinical documentation as it is being entered, and issue alerts when information, often not available at the point of care, suggests a different course of action. In certain instances, these alerts can mean the difference between a timely and accurate diagnosis and a potentially dangerous diagnostic error. By Nancy Zimmerman RN, BSN, Chief Nursing Officer for medCPU
Cloud Procurement Saves Healthcare Group $5.5 Million
Avalon Health Care Group reduced costs and gained budget visibility by deploying an automated procurement solution.
Medical Moneyball — What Healthcare Stands To Learn From The Oakland A's
With all the talk of Big Data, there are still big questions as to how to most effectively leverage information and data to make a positive impact on healthcare delivery, cost, and outcomes. One health system leader thinks an approach developed by a Major League baseball team might be a game changer.
Saving Time, Cost In The Cloud
A cloud-based time and attendance solution has reduced IT support costs and improved staffi ng processes at Saint Mary’s Hospital.
A Road Map To Accelerating Health IT Value And Innovation
Health IT is in a state of constant evolution, and it often seems that, for every problem solved, another is created. That’s why it’s vital we stop to assess where the industry stands from time to time, as well as look to the future to determine the best course to take to achieve our collective goals.
Risky Business: Why Providers Need A (Real) Security Risk Analysis
HIPAA compliance is a journey, not a destination. While that’s not exactly a new revelation, it bears repeating until it sinks in across the healthcare industry, among providers, payers and the businesses that serve them. The importance of HIPAA compliance is taking on even more urgency with the imminent arrival of Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 3 and its ramped-up emphasis on securing patient health data. The number one requirement: perform a risk analysis of this data — also known as protected health information (PHI) — that conforms to HIPAA security and privacy standards. By Carl Kunkleman, Senior Vice President and Co-Founder, ClearDATA
$4.3 Billion Invested In Digital HIT In 2015
While the number of venture capital-funded deals dropped, the average amount rose. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
How Private Capital Is Accelerating Interoperability
According to venture capital firm Rock Health, “Funding of digital health companies in 2015 is closely mirroring 2014’s record-breaking year, with funding surpassing $2B through the first half.” At this year’s Health IT Leadership Summit in Atlanta, executives from a group of fast-growth, venture-backed health IT companies spoke about the relationship between private capital and innovations in healthcare interoperability. One central theme emerging from the panel discussion: to secure investment capital, companies must demonstrate how their technologies solve key business challenges, in addition to technical ones. By Kirk Elder, Chief Technology Officer, Wellcentive
Top 10 Health IT Trends For 2016
For the past five years, EHR/MU was selected as the top health IT initiative for the coming year. This year, there’s a new top initiative, and what it is should come as no surprise.