Featured Telehealth Articles
Security And Video Quality Essential For Building Trust During Telehealth Encounters
Establishing intimacy and building trust between provider and patient is important for effective healthcare delivery, but it can also be a challenge. Telehealth encounters, due to the physical distance and sensory limitations of electronic communication, can make that connection even more difficult.
Widespread Adoption Of Telehealth Could Save $6 Billion A Year
Despite promise, challenges still impeded the widespread implementation of telehealth. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Caregivers Turn To Online Health Resources
Online health information became a major source of direction for many caregivers in 2015, according to an Edelman survey. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Telehealth: The Key To Improving Physician Workflow And Patient Care
Several different ‘flavors’ of telehealth have developed over the years, with varying degrees of popularity and adoption. Some hospitals have telehealth systems in an emergency room, allowing ER physicians to communicate directly with physicians at another site. Other hospitals have specialty physicians who leverage telehealth visits from one health facility to another.
'Little Evidence' Of Digital Medicine's Impact On The Bottom Line
According to a six-month trial, mobile technology has no greater impact on healthcare costs than traditional disease management. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
On-Demand Healthcare Investment Could Reach $1 Billion In 2017
The “Uberization” of healthcare. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
OhioHealth Telemedicine Program Drives Better Outcomes
Transporting patients by medevac helicopter can save lives when moments count, but it’s not always necessary. Telemedicine allows specialists to provide immediate and effective care for patients in remote locations who may otherwise have required an airlift.
Rural Healthcare Endangered
Close to one-third of all U.S. rural hospitals are “vulnerable to closure” in 2016. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
CONNECT Bill Would Extend Telehealth Services Via Medicare
The bipartisan bill would help providers meet the goals of MACRA with telehealth options. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Expand Patient Engagement With Telemedicine
Telemedicine offers a clear opportunity for healthcare providers to connect with patients in cost-effective, efficient, and engaging ways. Yet while telemedicine continues to grow, challenges to widespread adoption remain.