Language Processing From The Editor
Change Is Good
For many, change is a painful process. This was evident when reviewing the results of our first annual community hospital survey, which are summarized in our cover story Are Community Hospitals Behind The Health IT Curve? It’s clear that many community hospitals are struggling to adjust to the changing healthcare landscape.
Goodbye Healthcare Technology Online, Hello Health IT Outcomes
In January 2014, we’re changing our name and brand to Health IT Outcomes. Here’s the story behind the name change and what you can expect from us going forward.
Humanizing Health IT
For St. Vincent Health System, EHR Meaningful Use is about much more than stimulus dollars. Here’s how the health system strives to make the process “meaningful” for its providers and, most importantly, its patients.
AHIMA 2013 About Much More Than ICD-10
While ICD-10 appeared to dominate the 85th Annual AHIMA Convention & Exhibit on the surface, a much more compelling HIM story was unfolding at the event if you looked a little deeper.
The Meaningful Use Effect
If you question whether Meaningful Use is benefitting healthcare, look no further than Catholic Health. This health system credits the program for many of its recent clinical improvements.
The Obamacare Train Wreck
The rollout of has been a bona fide disaster. Here’s why Washington needs to get it’s IT act together or risk sending a very damaging message to healthcare providers struggling with health IT initiatives of their own.
MGMA 13 Helps Practices Weather The Storm
Medical practices are being bombarded with a variety of new challenges, including health IT demands and reimbursement changes. MGMA 13 provided attendees with some much needed advice. Here are my top three takeaways from the event.
Government Shutdown Halts Health IT
The healthcare debate is the central reason for the government shutdown, and several healthcare services, including health IT incentive programs, are in limbo as a result. What impact will the shutdown have on health IT progress in the U.S.?
Do Health Providers Finally Trust The Cloud?
New research has emerged showing that attitudes around cloud computing are beginning to change among healthcare executives. How much faith should we put in these findings and what do they mean to the future of health IT?
Why National Health IT Week Matters
National Health IT Week 2013 (September 16-20) is more than just pomp and circumstance, it provides real value to the advancement of IT initiatives in the healthcare community. Here’s how.