Featured News
Live Video Is Most Prominent Reimbursed Form Of Telehealth
Definition and regulation inconsistencies still cause confusion nationwide, however. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
All Telemedicine Services Not Created Equal
A recent study has found varying quality in urgent care by commercial telehealth companies. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Widespread Adoption Of Telehealth Could Save $6 Billion A Year
Despite promise, challenges still impeded the widespread implementation of telehealth. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Caregivers Turn To Online Health Resources
Online health information became a major source of direction for many caregivers in 2015, according to an Edelman survey. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
'Little Evidence' Of Digital Medicine's Impact On The Bottom Line
According to a six-month trial, mobile technology has no greater impact on healthcare costs than traditional disease management. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
On-Demand Healthcare Investment Could Reach $1 Billion In 2017
The “Uberization” of healthcare. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Rural Healthcare Endangered
Close to one-third of all U.S. rural hospitals are “vulnerable to closure” in 2016. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
CONNECT Bill Would Extend Telehealth Services Via Medicare
The bipartisan bill would help providers meet the goals of MACRA with telehealth options. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Despite Benefits, Few PCPs Use Telehealth
The majority of family physicians see the benefits to telehealth, yet few actually use the technology. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Tele-ICU Tools Must-Have For Nurses
Three of four nurses surveyed said the use of tele-ICU tools improved care and helped them do their jobs more effectively. By Katie Wike, contributing writer