
EOB Processing

Source: Perceptive Software

Manually processing paper EOBs delays the revenue cycle and is a frustrating and time-consuming process for cash posters and other staff. There’s a better way: Perceptive Software enterprise content management (ECM) solutions.

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Brochure: Healthcare Overview
Brochure: Patient Finance
Case Study: Citizens Memorial Healthcare
Case Study: North Kansas City Hospital

Accelerate the Revenue Cycle
Manually processing paper EOBs delays the revenue cycle and is a frustrating and time-consuming process for cash posters and other staff. There’s a better way: Perceptive Software enterprise content management (ECM) solutions.

With our solution for EOB Processing, facilities can capture paper EOBs via scanning and tie individual pages to corresponding patient records in the billing system. It is still possible to access other pages in a multipage EOB by using the convenient "view related pages" function.

This enables timely cash posting that isn’t possible when cash posters are sifting through stacks of paper EOBs. Users quickly route patient information needed to handle denied and accepted items, secondary billing and more, speeding the revenue cycle.

With our solution for EOB Processing, your hospital can:

  • Speed the revenue cycle while minimizing denials
  • Safeguard patient privacy with redaction and other dynamic features
  • Boost cash poster productivity by enabling them to pinpoint information for any patient and eliminating the need to manually redact
  • Improve availability of patient information to authorized clinical and administrative staff