RTLS From The Editor
Can Entrepreneurs Save Healthcare?
I love to hear Jonathan Bush speak. Say what you will about his agenda as president and CEO of EHR vendor athenahealth, but the guy is a charismatic, passionate, and persuasive public speaker. When you hear Bush give a keynote, it’s clear he’s inherited much of the political swagger that runs in his bloodline (former president George H.W. Bush is his uncle and George W. Bush is his cousin).
Healthcare Is Wi-Fi Ready
Healthcare professionals from medical facilities of all types and sizes are leveraging mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, at an alarming rate.
The Role Of Nurses In Successful HIT Deployments
“No one can sabotage a healthcare technology deployment faster than a staff nurse.” This quote from Linda Groah, executive director and CEO of AORN (Association of periOperative Nurses) made a significant impact on me as I attended my first-ever AORN Annual Conference on March 21-22.
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