HIE Case Studies & White Papers
5 Risks Hospitals Face When Using The Public Cloud (And How To Overcome Them)
Hospitals and other healthcare organizations are in the midst of a digital revolution that’s forcing them to change their traditional ways of capturing, storing, and sharing information. To keep up with their needs for greater IT infrastructure agility, performance, security, and compliance, many savvy healthcare organizations are exploring the benefits of the public cloud.
The Connected Hospital: Effective Leadership Strategies For Unified Communications
The healthcare industry is transitioning to a more integrated care delivery and payment management model in which multiple providers in multiple facilities are required to work more closely together, share more information electronically, and accept bundled, value-based reimbursements for care cycles.
Is Your Digital Health Strategy Thriving, Surviving Or Non-Existent?
5 Key Steps Companies Can Take to Start or Accelerate Their Digital Health Strategy.
Hospital Meets MU Stage 2 Criteria With Disparate Systems Integration
Blessing Hospital, located in Quincy, Illinois, serves a 15-county area that covers southeast Iowa, northeast Missouri, and western Illinois. A not-for-profit, not-tax-supported, independent hospital, Blessing has 300 beds, a medical staff of more than 240 physicians, and a team of more than 2,000 employees. A new $70 million patient care addition will be ready early in 2015.
Improving Quality And Reducing Costs In A Medicare Shared Savings Program And ACO Environment
Over the past decade, the healthcare system in the United States has been increasingly encumbered by an aging population, the burden of chronic disease, and economic pressures. In response to this confluence of events, federal healthcare reform has stimulated the public and private sectors to bend the cost curve and improve performance.
A Look At Exchanges And What They Mean For Pharma
The advent of health insurance exchanges this fall is unlikely to be as significant for the pharmaceutical industry as for other parts of the healthcare sector, such as insurers and hospitals. There will be modest financial gain for drugmakers from previously uninsured individuals receiving subsidized coverage through exchanges. Any potential gain driven by new sales will likely be offset by new rebates and discounts the industry must pay under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
The Direct Evolution: Why It Will Change How You Communicate
What is Direct? Does it replace a HIE? Is it redundant with HL7 or XDS functionality? If I use email rather than Direct am I out of compliance with HIPAA?
ACO: The Next Big Shift For Healthcare Organizations
This white paper shares the findings of recent research that assesses the understanding and preparation levels for developing an ACO among healthcare organizations.
Boulder Community Hospital Finds HIE Integration Success
In this case study, Boulder Community Hospital outlines its success in finding a streamlined approach to integrating with the Colorado RHIO Medicity platform.
Four Reasons Providers Should Reconsider Healthcare IT Sourcing
Pursuing a sourcing strategy can allow a company to accomplish its healthcare IT agenda more efficiently, effectively, and productively, while using cheaper resources. The combination of these factors has the potential for significant cost savings.