HIE From The Editor
What's New At HIMSS14?
Several new attractions make their debut at the Annual HIMSS Conference and Exhibition this year. Here are the ones I’m most looking forward to.
Goodbye Healthcare Technology Online, Hello Health IT Outcomes
In January 2014, we’re changing our name and brand to Health IT Outcomes. Here’s the story behind the name change and what you can expect from us going forward.
The Obamacare Train Wreck
The rollout of HealthCare.com has been a bona fide disaster. Here’s why Washington needs to get it’s IT act together or risk sending a very damaging message to healthcare providers struggling with health IT initiatives of their own.
MGMA 13 Helps Practices Weather The Storm
Medical practices are being bombarded with a variety of new challenges, including health IT demands and reimbursement changes. MGMA 13 provided attendees with some much needed advice. Here are my top three takeaways from the event.
Do Health Providers Finally Trust The Cloud?
New research has emerged showing that attitudes around cloud computing are beginning to change among healthcare executives. How much faith should we put in these findings and what do they mean to the future of health IT?
Finally … Proof Of Health IT ROI
Some new third-party research has emerged that illustrates that health IT actually is effective at reducing healthcare costs. What do these findings mean and how can the industry build upon them?
The EHR Honeymoon Is Over
According to Black Book Rankings’ latest ambulatory EHR satisfaction survey, many providers have become so dissatisfied with their existing EHRs, they’re looking to rip and replace these systems within the next 12 months.
How Safe Is Health IT?
According To ONC, not safe enough. The Office recently released a new action plan geared toward improving the safety of health IT use. Here’s what the plan means to you.
Are ACOs The Answer?
Confusion surrounding the ACO concept has many pundits signing its death warrant. The fact is many ACOs may not survive in their current form, but the increased provider accountability and care coordination the model promotes are here to stay.
Can Entrepreneurs Save Healthcare?
I love to hear Jonathan Bush speak. Say what you will about his agenda as president and CEO of EHR vendor athenahealth, but the guy is a charismatic, passionate, and persuasive public speaker. When you hear Bush give a keynote, it’s clear he’s inherited much of the political swagger that runs in his bloodline (former president George H.W. Bush is his uncle and George W. Bush is his cousin).