Featured ACO Articles
White Paper: Healthcare Business Insights: Social Media Strategy For Healthcare Vendors
This white paper outlines how vendors in the healthcare space are using social networking sites to take relationship building to the next level, resulting in increased qualified leads, and, ultimately, a greater return on marketing investment. By Jennifer Dennard
What You Need To Know In Replacing An EHR
This independent mixed case study and white paper performed at the request of Greenway Medical Technologies provides an independent in-depth analysis of how Greenway’s services, solutions, and technology are helping medical practices undergo EMR-to-EHR conversions.
One Practice's Journey To Accountable Care
This white paper chronicles how New Pueblo Medicine, an independent practice of seven internal medicine physicians based in Arizona, is delivering team-oriented, prevention-focused care with tighter coordination across the continuum of care, while responding to regulatory and compensation pressures and remaining a small independent practice.
From Customization To Collaboration: Matching Mobile Devices To Clinicians' Workflow
This white paper from Intel discusses mobility in the healthcare industry and selecting the right mobile solution.
5 Steps To Building An Effective Care Management Program
How to Create, Implement, and Operate a Successful Program.
Accountable Care Organization Technology Framework
The “accountable care organization” (ACO) is a major topic of discussion in American health policy. While the ACO label has been around since 2006, it was mentioned in numerous healthcare reform bills proposed in 2009 and was ultimately included in Section 3022 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the Medicare Shared Savings Program. The ACA’s ACO provision covers Medicare ACOs.
ACO's: What The Henry Ford Physician Network Can Teach
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are one of the most promising responses to healthcare reform. One of the best examples to date is the Henry Ford Physician Network in Michigan. Here’s how much the new group has achieved already—and a sense of how far it has to go.
PrimeSUITE Custom Templating And Usability Lead To Nation's First Private Practice Designation As Joint Commission Center Of Excellence
This success story from Greenway focuses on Dr. G. Edward Newman and his vision of a comprehensive, 21st century medical practice.
Use IT To 'Disrupt' The Healthcare System
This white paper captures the highlights of a presentation at HIMSS12 delivered by Eric Dishman, General Manager of Health Strategy and Solutions at Intel Corporation, and Jason Hwang, MD, executive director of healthcare at the Innosight Institute.
Even A 60-Year-Old Multi-Specialty Practice Can Succeed With EHR
After 60+ years in operation, The Veranda multi-specialty practice wanted a solution that would include an integrated electronic health record (EHR)/practice management (PM) solution, as well as one that could support multiple specialties as the practice considered growing outside of its OB/GYN roots.