Featured Document Management Articles
The Evolving Role Of HIM Professionals
Health information is growing and big data means changes to the roles of Health Information Management Professionals By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Physician Input Vital To Successful EMR Implementation
Growing dissatisfaction with EMRs leads to realization that physicians need to be included in development and selection By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Show Physicians That Better Clinical Documentation Is In Their Best Interests
Healthcare is in the middle of a sea of change when it comes to the revenue cycle. As the industry moves from fee-for-service to population-based management and billing - as evidenced by the rise of accountable care organizations (ACOs) and bundled payments - physicians are now under even more pressure. By Anthony F. Oliva, DO, MMM, FACPE Regional Medical Director, Nuance
Top 3 Medical Billing Software Services
In today’s medical industry, paper is becoming a thing of the past. In order to keep up with increasing medical costs, a rising number of patients, and rising patient demand for speedy information and billing, businesses must ensure their medical software is fully updated and optimized. But understanding the specific advantages associated with upgrading or implementing new software isn’t always easy. Even if you’re unsure of the best choices, don’t fret. Read on for the top three ways medical businesses may utilize the latest and greatest medical software services. By Sandra Mills, contributing writer
3 Questions Providers Need To Ask About Patient Portals
Stage 2 Meaningful Use requires providers both have a patient portal and achieve a minimum of 5 percent patient usage. Answering these three questions can help facilities achieve those goals. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Final Countdown To HIPAA Rule Implementation Begins
The final HIPAA omnibus rule holds healthcare providers responsible for the security of patient information, even after it has been transferred to a vendor; impact on providers as covered entities will be “significant” By Katie Wike, contributing writer
The New World Of Patient Data Management
In today’s increasingly paperless world, companies across industries have been rapidly adopting electronic file systems, record keeping and communication programs. The healthcare industry is no exception. Advancements in patient record technology are revolutionizing the way the healthcare system is run and operated. The days of relying solely on paper charts and notes to record patients’ medical histories are obsolete, and in many offices and healthcare institutions, they are gone completely. These outdated systems are replaced by cutting-edge yet easy to use web-based solutions that handle all documents digitally, thereby improving speed of access to important patient records while reducing administrative burdens, improving efficiency and lowering costs. By Simon Wieczner, CEO, Snowbound Software
Are EHR Template Limitations Slowing Adoption?
Limitations of legacy systems may be slowing EHR adoption amongst providers, can custom templates win over stragglers? By Lisa Kerner, contributing writer
The EHR Honeymoon Is Over
According to Black Book Rankings’ latest ambulatory EHR satisfaction survey, many providers have become so dissatisfied with their existing EHRs, they’re looking to rip and replace these systems within the next 12 months.
Are Your EMR's Document Management Features Enough?
Aurora Health Care decides to use a separate document management program to handle the 50,000 pages per day the organization generates.