Featured Document Management Articles
Building The Framework For Integrated Clinical Decision Support
Clinicians continue to face intensifying pressure from the growing number of tasks required in caring for patients. There is insufficient time to be confident that the care is comprehensive and adheres to contemporary standards. At the same time, studies evaluating clinical questions that arise in patient care have demonstrated that about two out of three patient encounters generate a question, of which only 40 percent are routinely answered. If all questions were answered, five to eight patient management decisions would be changed in each clinical session. By Denise S. Basow, M.D.
How to Approach Healthcare IT And Compliance: A Brief Tutorial On ISO 27799
It’s been said time and again: healthcare regulations are a virtual alphabet/number soup. Entire books can be written about HIPAA regulations alone, so we’ll leave those aside for now. ISO 27001, ISO 27002, and ISO 27799 are only a few of the regulations required to protect individuals’ healthcare data. Noncompliance doesn’t only risk data loss, it also means you can incur large fines, individual, and class action lawsuits with massive punitive damages – and even be shut down. By Roy Peretz, VP of Product Management, Whitebox Security
Top 10 Health IT Trends 2015
Our annual reader survey may have identified the top 10 health IT trends for the coming year, but three initiatives clearly rank above the rest when it comes to provider mindshare.
A Call For Better Health IT
Whether technology played a part in Duncan’s Ebola misdiagnosis may still be in question, but what can no longer be ignored is the fact that health IT has to get better.
2014 Health IT Change Agents
These influential individuals and organizations are leading the charge for positive change in health IT.
ECM Elevates Hospital's Documentation Capabilities
A new ECM solution helped Skagit Valley Hospital consolidate important document images and facilitate access, improving staff productivity.
Electronic Documentation Optimizes Surgery Referrals
Using HIPAA-compliant electronic document exchange, Scripps Mercy Surgery Pavilion improved referral accuracy and staff productivity.
Community Hospitals: What's Your Health IT Move?
According to our fourth annual Community Hospital Health IT Survey, MU is creating a new breed of unique challenges for small, rural hospitals — challenges that may require drastic changes to address.
HIM: 22% Job Growth By 2022
Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows jobs in the health information management field will grow by more than 40,000 by 2022. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Moving From Data Capturing To Data Management
Kodak Alaris develops new software for intelligent document management. By Christine Kern, contributing writer