ACO From The Editor
Health IT Vital To Quality Care
For years, the federal government has championed the idea that effective use of health IT systems can go a long way to improving the quality of healthcare in the U.S. Now, a new report by Healthgrades, an independent source for physician information and quality hospital outcomes, seems to confirm the federal government’s position.
Providing ACO Clarity
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been lauded as having the power to save our healthcare system from almost certain economic doom. This healthcare delivery and payment model makes an entire network of doctors, hospitals, and ancillary providers jointly responsible for the ongoing care of patients.
ACO Rules Under Fire
Questions and concerns surrounding ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations) have been well documented in the healthcare industry ever since the first healthcare reform proposals started making the rounds on Capitol Hill.
Telehealth's Untapped Potential
The U.S. healthcare system has undoubtedly gained heightened awareness of IT over the past few years. For example, government mandates are driving providers to adopt EHRs to improve operational efficiency and allow patient data to be easily shared among providers.
IT: The Only Certainty In Healthcare's Future
Dell’s survey indicates that much of the uncertainty in the industry is thanks to healthcare reform. For example, virtually all hospital executives surveyed are worried about how states will cope with an expanded role in healthcare financing through Medicaid and other programs required under reform.
The Buzzword For HIMSS11 — ACOs
This year’s HIMSS Conference and Exhibition, held February 21-23 at the Orange County Convention Center, had a lot of things going for it. It was held in a warm weather location (Orlando, FL). It boasted a lineup of influential keynote speakers (e.g. Robert Reich, Kathleen Sebelius, Dr. David Blumenthal, and Michael J. Fox).
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