ACO From The Editor
The Problem With Consumerism In Healthcare
Many industry leaders championed a free market approach to healthcare during the 12th Annual World Health Care Congress last week. Here are a few key reasons why I don’t think this model is “the fix” our industry so desperately needs.
Is Technology To Blame For Physician Burnout?
According to a recent Medscape survey, 46% of physicians say they are burned out. How much is the drive towards health IT adoption contributing to this epidemic?
The ONC's Olive Branch
Just when the Meaningful Use program was on life support, the ONC makes two key announcements that seem to have healthcare leaders rallying around the program (and the organization) once again.
The Future Of Healthcare Depends On Price Transparency
A new Harris Poll suggests cost fears keep many people from visiting the doctor even if they are insured. This telling data is yet another illustration of the need for price transparency in healthcare.
HIMSS15 Provides Both Clarity & Confusion
Interoperability and Population Health Management were once again the hottest topics at the health IT industry’s largest conference. The event helped to clarify efforts in one of these areas while muddling the messages delivered in the other.
It's Time To Change The Provider/Pharmacy Paradigm
In an era of team-driven care coordination and value-based reimbursement, it makes more sense than ever for providers to establish their own point-of-care pharmacies.
Stirring The Health IT Pot
In this, my 200th opinion column for Health IT Outcomes, I take a look back at some of the most controversial articles I’ve written to date and the valuable responses they have generated from our readers.
The Quest For Evidence At HIMSS14
A clear sense of urgency to gather actionable health data that improves care and cuts costs was on display at this year’s HIMSS conference. Here are a few of my key observations and takeaways from the event.
My 6 Must-See HIMSS14 Sessions
I only have time to see a tiny fraction of the hundreds of educational sessions and keynotes on tap for HIMSS14, but these are the six I’m making sure to carve out time for in my schedule.
What's New At HIMSS14?
Several new attractions make their debut at the Annual HIMSS Conference and Exhibition this year. Here are the ones I’m most looking forward to.