News | May 22, 2014

Upcoming Webinar: Data-Driven Care: The Key To Accountable Care Delivery From A Physician Group Perspective

Source: Health Catalyst

The changes underway in healthcare have significant implications for hospitals and payers and perhaps the most significant impact will be to the physicians as they move from primarily caring for individual patients to also becoming more accountable for the health of populations of patients. 

Facing these changes head-on, Crystal Run Health is proactively developing more effective strategies for improving care and lowering cost while engaging in risk-sharing models that focus on improving quality and maintaining the health of individuals and groups of patients. This transformation in care delivery is highly dependent upon sharing and analyzing information to support more data-driven decisions and interventions.

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Join us to learn how clinicians are facing these changes. Listen to Dr. Gregory Spencer, Chief Medical Officer at Crystal Run Healthcare--a fast growing multi-specialty group of physicians who is an early adopter ACO--explain how patient care is changing as his physicians are using data to drive decisions and consider your ability to use data in the healthcare transformations taking place. Luke Skelley, a former critical care nurse and Vice President for Health Catalyst, an analytics and data warehousing company, will join him in this engaging discussion about how physician groups are embracing data as a key accountable care strategy.

Why attend? You will learn:

  • Why a regional physician group is heavily investing in analytics and data warehousing
  • Crystal Run’s strategy to turn data into improved care as well as financial viability in the future.
  • How Crystal Run manages across its patient population who are covered by 24 payer entities
  • Some of the preliminary challenges and successes engaging clinicians in the use of data
  • The importance of an adaptive data architecture to turn clinician questions into actionable results

Known as an early adopter and national leader in healthcare reform, Dr. Spencer and Crystal Run are innovating in their use of data to improve healthcare for all of their patients including those with diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure. As a level 3 Patient Centered-Medical Home, Crystal Run is proving that early interventions are critical to eliminate costly hospital visits. Selected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as one of the first 27 Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) in the nation to participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) is laying the groundwork in its IT systems to propel its success. 

Organizations will better understand how using data analytics and the right data architecture enables clinicians to drive actionable results. Payer organizations will have a greater sense for their potential to engage in the data sharing that will be critical for healthcare to be truly transformed.

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