7 Tips To Getting Paid For Meaningful Use
2012 is the last year to for physician practices to receive the full Stage 1 Meaningful Use (MU) incentive payment, but practices still have time to achieve MU and get the full award if they go live by October 3. As of the end of December 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had reported that only 27% of registered providers had attested and qualified for Medicare payments, which indicates the level of difficulty involved in achieving Stage 1 certification. (Stage 2 measures have only recently been proposed, but they promise a considerable leap in difficulty compared to the measures required in Stage 1.) This whitepaper provides important advice on the difficulties involved in meeting Stage 1 requirements and how to overcome them.
Attesting for MU is not just a matter of adopting new technology; it demands a cultural change within most practices, requiring that providers and staff adapt to new requirements, new workflows, new ways of relating to patients, new kinds of data, and so on. For many practices, this is a sea change that severely taxes patience and energy.
The tips in this white paper can help you reach your MU goals, and you can access the full white paper here.
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