Rockcastle Regional Hospital Uses HMS Connex Interoperability Platform To Exchange Clinical Data With Kentucky's HIE
Healthcare Management Systems Inc. (HMS) recently announced that long-time customer Rockcastle Regional Hospital and Respiratory Care Center recently became one of the first hospitals to share clinical data with the Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE). The hospital in Mt. Vernon, Ky., is using the HMS Connex interoperability platform to securely exchange Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) with KHIE and is actively using those CCDs to make more informed patient-care decisions.
Hospitals use HMS Connex to link with HIEs, which enable the sharing of vital data among providers regardless of the clinical applications they use. HMS Connex uses open-source technology and is completely integrated with the HMS enterprise platform of applications and hardware that comprise its certified electronic health record (EHR). With a single sign-on, Rockcastle Regional physicians can view data from KHIE within the HMS application as part of their normal workflow.
"The patient's entire medical history, whether captured at our facility or others, is at the physician's fingertips within five seconds of signing into the HMS application; it's truly amazing to watch the system in action," said Maleigha Amyx, Rockcastle Regional's I.S. director. "Sharing patient data across facilities regardless of their technology platform is a big leap forward, and we are able to do that because of our partnership with HMS."
By connecting with KHIE, Rockcastle Regional can send and receive a variety of information about a patient's prior care, including medical problems, procedures, medications, medication allergies and lab results; having this data is especially vital for clinicians when patients are unable to provide the information themselves. Currently, Rockcastle Regional and KHIE are exchanging data of patients insured by Kentucky Medicaid as well as most Medicare patients.
"Connecting to KHIE is part of our high quality of care standards. Rockcastle Regional likes to be at the very edge of technology advancements, and we like to lead by example," said Cynthia Burton, chief nursing officer at Rockcastle Regional. "We have a really good group of people working in this organization, and they're always striving to provide the very best care to our patients and our community."
In addition to exchanging CCD data through HMS Connex, Rockcastle Regional is sending vaccination records for the state's immunization registry to KHIE as the hospital expands its use of new statewide interoperability. Achieving HIE connectivity is an important aspect of meaningful use beyond Stage 1.
"Whether it's helping hospitals get onto a clear and quick path to meaningful use or providing the interoperability needed to connect with HIEs, HMS is driving significant clinical, operational and financial improvements for hospitals and health systems," said Tom Stephenson, president and chief executive officer of HMS. "It's very rewarding to have HMS Connex be an integral part of Rockcastle Regional connecting to Kentucky's HIE because having such broad access to detailed patient histories helps improve care and can even save lives."
KHIE was created as part of an August 2009 executive order from Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear. The KHIE architecture meets national standards to ensure interoperability across various health systems and connectivity to the National Health Information Network (NHIN). The focus of KHIE is on improving the health, quality and safety of healthcare for Kentucky's residents and visitors through the provision of a statewide, interoperable health information exchange.
About HMS
Healthcare Management Systems Inc. (HMS) is a Nashville-based healthcare company that develops, sells and supports integrated clinical and financial hospital information systems and services designed to increase efficiency while improving patient safety. The HMS EHR is 2011/2012 compliant and has been certified by Drummond Group, an ONC-ATCB, in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Founded in 1984, HMS currently serves more than 700 community hospitals; behavioral, rehabilitation and long-term acute-care facilities; and multi-entity healthcare organizations nationwide. For more information, visit
HMS is part of HealthTech Holdings Inc., a health information technology holding company that owns HMS, MEDHOST and Sentry Healthcare Services. HealthTech Holdings' mission is to acquire and manage technology companies focused on the creation of value for the healthcare industry. For more information, visit
SOURCE: Healthcare Management Systems, Inc.