Now's The Time For Intelligent Document Scanning
By Katie Wike, contributing writer
An upcoming webinar presented by ECM Connection outlines 5 Reasons There Has Never Been A Better Time For Intelligent Document Scanning
Using an intelligent scanning solution can, according to EDCO Health Information Solutions, save an organization both time and money while freeing staff for other tasks. EDCO singles out a hospital’s health information management department, noting, “Without question, the staff in the health information management department is one of the hospital’s most valuable resources, and the critical initiatives on the HIM plate are unceasing. By scanning more efficiently, HIM departments can free up full time equivalents’ (FTEs) time to focus on ICD-10, meaningful use, and other priorities. Unfortunately, many HIM departments are engaged in scanning processes without clear benchmarks to measure success and make the best use of FTEs.”
The chart below compares various scanning methodologies based on an average of three million images per year.
Currently, the process is time consuming - separator sheets with bar codes automate scanning but require staff to insert them periodically. Time spent inserting separator sheets averages 13.5 FTEs per three million images per year. The average provider facility is 85 percent bar coded and uses about 8.25 FTEs per three million images per year. Every single page must be checked for barcodes and if one is missing, a sticker or separator sheet must be manually applied. If the barcode is somehow misread hospital staff then must enter it manually. Intelligent scanning solutions can drop the total FTEs to only 4.5 per three million scanned images.
Wednesday, January 29, ECM Connection and ibml will present a webinar, 5 Reasons There Has Never Been A Better Time For Intelligent Document Scanning, which will “share real-world case studies from companies representing a range of industries that are benefiting from intelligent scanning solutions, show how to build a business case for an intelligent scanning solution, and provide tips for selecting an intelligent scanning solution.”
Recent data shows that while document and data volumes continue to grow, the value of capturing important data from these documents as quickly as possible remains of the utmost importance. The webinar will be held at 2 p.m. ET and the featured speaker will be Mark Brousseau, president of Brousseau & Associates. Ken Congdon will serve as moderator.
“Attendees will learn the five reasons that there has never been a better time to deploy intelligent document scanning solutions. There also will be time for questions,” notes ECM Connection.
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