MU Hardship Exceptions Guidelines Released

CMS releases Hardship Exception Guidance for Eligible Hospitals
Many hospitals have been scrambling to successfully demonstrate MU for the 2014, reporting implementation of EHR technology into their practice. As described by Health IT Outcomes, CMS plans on being more flexible with the requirements for MU, but they do not plan on extending the deadline at all.
However, at that point it was unclear how CMS planned on being more flexible. "Physicians have been seeking more leeway from CMS on participating in MU this year, in part because they must purchase or upgrade to the 2014 edition of certified EHR technology, and in part because they must get ready to switch over to the ICD-10 coding set on Oct. 1."
Now, guidelines for hardship exceptions have been released by CMS, detailing what healthcare providers have to do and how long they have. As explained by AAMC, "Under the revisions, hospitals and EPs who are not able to implement CEHRT in 2014 may apply for a hardship exception for the 2016 payment adjustment due to “2014 Vendor Issues.”
Also, if a hospital or EP intends to demonstrate MU for the first time in 2014, they may also apply for a hardship exception to the 2015 payment adjustment. Hospitals have until April 1, 2014 to submit a hardship exemption application. EPs have until July 1, 2014 to submit an application. CMS is currently only accepting hardship exception applications for the 2015 payment adjustment year."
The official Hardship Exception Guidance for Eligible Hospitals guideline explains who qualifies and what they have to do. “If you are new to the program and intended to demonstrate meaningful use for the first time in 2014, but you are not able to implement 2014 certified EHR technology for the 2014 reporting year, you may apply for a hardship exception for the 2015 payment adjustment.
- Use the eligible hospital hardship exception form for 2015
- Indicate the reason you are applying for a hardship
- Select “2014 Vendor Issues”
- Submit your application by April 1, 2014"