Healthcare Providers Can Use RFID Technology To Streamline X-ray Imaging Workflow—Saving Time For Patients And Technologists

Employee Badges with RFID Chips Can Automate the Log In Process for Imaging Systems While Simultaneously Monitoring Access to Secure Areas
Many healthcare providers use badges with embedded radiofrequency identification (RFID) chips to monitor entry into restricted areas. Now those same badges can be used to automatically log authorized users onto X-ray imaging systems—which saves time for both technologists and patients.
RFID readers are built into some new generation imaging systems and healthcare providers can work with their suppliers to add external RFID readers to older CR and DR X-ray imaging systems. These RFID readers use wireless technology to transfer data from the badge to automatically log employees onto medical imaging systems—eliminating the need for technologists to remember multiple log-in numbers and/or passwords used by each imaging system.
“Extending the use of RFID technology to grant access to imaging systems is a huge advantage for healthcare facilities,” said Helen Titus, Marketing Director, X-ray Solutions, Carestream Health. “The next step is to combine RFID readers with fully featured administrative analysis and reporting software. This allows radiology managers to view technologists’ activities and have instant access to data about imaging exam volumes, repeat exam rates, repeat reasons and exposure settings.”
Boca Raton Regional Hospital (Boca Raton, Fla.) recently installed DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray systems that enable technologists to log in by passing their badges containing RFID tags in front of the system’s built-in radio-frequency reader.
“With RFID technology, our technologists are online instantly and can select a patient from the work list and begin imaging. This is much faster than the manual process of logging in with names and passwords—and it helps us meet HIPAA requirements for the privacy of patient records,” said Gail McNamara, Director of the hospital’s Imaging Services Department. “Now I have an accurate record of which technologist conducted each exam and what files each technologist viewed.”
About Carestream Health
Carestream Health is a worldwide provider of dental and medical imaging systems and healthcare IT solutions; X-ray film and digital X-ray systems for non-destructive testing and advanced materials for the precision films and electronics markets. For more information, visit
Source: Carestream Health