News | May 20, 2013

EMR News Reveals The Secrets To Integrating Scheduling, Documentation, Billing And Marketing Through Effective EMR


EMR News, the website that covers all things related to EMR for physical therapy services has just published a comprehensive review of how effective electronic medical record (EMR) systems can help private practices improve the key aspects of their business and grow their practice to new heights.

Denville, NJ (PRWEB) - EMR News founder, Dr. Nitin Chhoda, is a licensed physical therapist and an expert in private practice marketing techniques and his advice on how to implement EMR systems to improve businesses practice is highly sought after by physical therapists worldwide.

This latest article focuses on the four key areas that every practice must manage effectively in order to thrive. Chhoda defines these as scheduling, billing, documentation and marketing. The article features an expert analysis of how implementing a fully integrated physical therapy documentation system with EMR can improve all four key areas individually and how it can integrate to revolutionize physical therapy practices growth.

Physical therapy EMR at its most basic level is simply using software to effectively manage basic services like scheduling and billing. Chhoda explains how EMR can be used as a tool to better track and monitor variables that traditionally takes physical therapists and their staff hours or days to complete. Physical therapy software offers a complete solution according to Chhoda so that therapists can work more effectively and free up time to focus on growing their client base.

Physical therapists will find the article very helpful if they are thinking of implementing physical therapy documentation software. What they will find most interesting is the way Chhoda details the old way of doing things and then shows how implementing ERM can change practice management forever.

Chhoda’s office can be reached by phone at 201-535-4475. For more information, visit the website at

Nitin Chhoda PT, DPT is a licensed physical therapist, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and an entrepreneur. He is the author of "Physical Therapy Marketing For The New Economy" and “Marketing for Physical Therapy Clinics” and is a prolific speaker, writer and creator of products and systems to streamline medical billing and coding, electronic medical records, health care practice management and marketing to increase referrals. He has been featured in numerous industry magazines, major radio and broadcast media, and is the founder of Referral Ignition training systems and the annual Private Practice Summit. Chhoda speaks extensively throughout the U.S., Canada and Asia. He is also the creator of the Therapy Newsletter and Clinical Contact, both web-based services to help private practices improve communication with patients, delivery better quality of care and boost patient retention.

Source: PRWeb

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