EHR Company Makes MIPS Pledge, Promises Full Return

By Christine Kern, contributing writer

modmed pledge promises to ensure physicians can meet new MIPS criteria.
The MIPS transition has created a level of weariness and fear for physicians, and while it’s unclear where our healthcare system is headed, the MACRA/MIPS switch continues full steam ahead. It is crucial for physicians to fully understand the steps and tools needed to be able to successfully complete the new regulations and not be penalized. To that end, specialty-specific EHR company Modernizing Medicine has made an official pledge to its physicians guaranteeing a successful MIPS transition.
With the modmed Pledge, the company is putting their money where their mouth is and offering physicians a complete program to ensure each physician meets the criteria. If the physician who signs up for the program does in fact get penalized, they will get a full return on their investment.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has instituted the Quality Payment Program in order to improve Medicare by allowing physicians to focus on patient outcomes. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) ended the Sustainable Growth formula, and now physicians have two choices for payments: The Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) or The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Beginning in January, physician performance will be measured and assessed against a peer group in a variety of categories, and those doctors who exceed the minimum threshold in 2017 will earn more money than those who don’t, while those that do not meet the minimum threshold could potentially see a substantial reduction in Medicare payments.
“As a practicing physician, I am fully aware of the skepticism and anticipation around the MIPS transition. That is why I, alongside my co-founder Dan Cane and the rest of the team at Modernizing Medicine, have dedicated the last six years to identifying and creating a data-driven, automated EHR system that can facilitate value-based healthcare,” said Dr. Michael Sherling, chief medical officer and co-founder of Modernizing Medicine.
The modmed Pledge states, “Simply put, we believe that no one is more qualified for value-based healthcare than Modernizing Medicine. In fact, Modernizing Medicine can provide you with everything you need to achieve MIPS success. So we’ve decided to back it up.”