News Feature | February 27, 2014

CPOE Success Story

Source: Health IT Outcomes
Rebecca McCurry

By Rebecca McCurry

After a trial with John Kenagy, Ph.D, it has been determined that CPOE possesses many benefits

FierceHealth IT notes there hasn't been much research into what determines success for a computerized physician order entry system (CPOE) before writing, “When John Kenagy, Ph.D., senior vice president and CIO of Legacy Health in Portland, participated in a trial with Kaiser Permanente Northwest and Oregon Health & Science University, he found the model's three variables - information quality, technology quality, and service quality - were predictive of success.

"Though the model was positive, overall, it didn't account for time. Physicians responded in the trial that it was extra work and time added onto their days. They wouldn't want it taken away, but the extra time makes the model still a work in progress."

In Becker's Hospital Review, Kenagy further explained his research. "Dr. Kenagy asked participating physicians to list other factors that contribute to how they view the success of the CPOE system, and a majority responded the system was adding extra work, and extra time, to their workdays." The physicians said, "Don't take this away, it's important to patient care, but I am staying later to do this and it's having a negative impact on my work-life balance."

The article explains that Dr. Kenagy has plans to address this issue. He "recommends programming in common order sets into the CPOE to reduce the number of clicks needed to order a routine treatment regimen. At Legacy, the information systems department worked with clinical specialists to compile standardized order sets that display on a physician's screen based on the patient's symptoms or condition."

Health IT Outcomes reports that a hospital in Texas has been able to rapidly adapt to implementation and adoption of MEDHOST's clinical applications drive house-wide CPOE success. "A comprehensive training program led by MEDHOST’s clinical and IT experts contributed to Medical Arts’ rapid implementation, as well as its high clinician adoption rates. MEDHOST also assisted with the build out of physician orders and nursing flow sheets, defined and established security protocols, and helped the entire hospital adjust to process and workflow changes."

MEDHOST explains, "While clinician involvement significantly influenced our success, the ease of use of MEDHOST’s applications resulted in very quick adoption. The MEDHOST EHR was embraced so quickly that our physicians, including our contracted emergency department physicians, were using CPOE within three days of go-live. We’re very proud of that."