A Year In Healthcare

By Ken Congdon, editor in chief, Health IT Outcomes
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the HIT incentives it provides did more than just spur technology adoption in healthcare over the past year — it also helped spawn Health IT Outcomes. We launched our website and weekly email newsletter a year ago this week, with the mission to provide healthcare professionals with a convenient, single source for healthcare technology news, best practices, lessons learned, product specifications, and technology trends — all the information they would need to make informed technology buying and implementation decisions.
Our online publication was in part driven by ARRA, but propelled to a greater extent by demand from Jameson Publishing’s and VertMarkets’ (HTO’s parent companies) healthcare readership from more than 70 other print and online publications including ECM Connection, Business Solutions, Integrated Solutions, Life Science Leader, and Pharmaceutical Online. In the wake of ARRA, our healthcare subscribers from these sister publications demanded a healthcare-specific publication that covered all technologies that would help them capitalize on the federal stimulus, streamline operations, and improve their bottom line. We responded, and Health IT Outcomes was born.
We have made significant strides in our first year, securing nearly 70,000 subscribers to our online community and weekly email newsletters, and driving hundreds of thousands of unique visitors to our website. However, when you get right down to it, our success can ultimately be attributed to the editorial content we publish on a weekly basis — and we couldn’t have picked a better year to start covering the HIT space. Over the past 12 months, EHR meaningful use guidelines were released and revised, healthcare reform became a reality, new ICD and HIPAA compliance initiatives were launched, and telemedicine and other mobility trends came into their own. The following are a few of our most popular articles from the past year:
- iPhone Versus iPad In Healthcare
- The Case For Outsourcing EHR Creation
- Automate Workflows To Enforce Hospital Policies
- Achieve Safe-Harbor Status From HITECH Breach With NIST-Certified Data Encryption
- Optimizing Workflows & Efficiency With Digital OR Integration
- ICD-10 & HIPAA 5010 Compliance In The Cloud
- A Health IT Security Time Bomb
- Technology = Healthcare Reform Godsend
- HealthcareTablets: Choosing The Right Solution
- ATemplate For EHR Meaningful Use?
We thank you for being part of our community and look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable HIT editorial for many years to come. We also encourage you to follow us on Twitter (@HCTechnology) and join our LinkedIn discussion group. These social media vehicles provide an additional forum in which to access real-time information and interact with our team.
Ken Congdon is Editor In Chief of Health IT Outcomes. He can be reached at ken.congdon@jamesonpublishing.com.