

Source: API Healthcare, A GE Healthcare Company
Concerro is a proven provider of resource management software for hospitals.

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Brochure: RES-Q

Concerro is a proven provider of resource management software for hospitals. Concerro's RES-Q software includes applications for personnel management, enterprise-wide employee scheduling and staffing, open shift, surgery department management and case scheduling, patient acuity classification, and productivity management and reporting.

Why Use Concerro Software?
Skilled professionals are every hospital's most valuable resource. Labor resource management problems intensify all the fundamental challenges that hospitals confront today. Hospitals do face daunting challenges: heightened demands to uphold patient safety and improve the quality of care, greater competition for patients, ever-increasing costs, rising levels of patient acuity, reimbursement constraints, and narrowing operating margins. These problems are hitting hard right in the middle of a growing shortage of nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Concerro's RES-Q software gives you robust labor resource management tools to:

  • Optimize staffing and scheduling
  • Control costs
  • Boost productivity

Concerro's focus on productivity improvement makes bottom-line savings a reality for you. Concerro delivers the results hospitals require.

Why wait? Set your course for success tomorrow by getting your staffing and scheduling right for today.

Click Here To Download:
Brochure: RES-Q