
The Two Most Important Tasks To Complete To Successfully Transition To ICD-10

Source: Health IT Outcomes

The American Health Information Management Association’s (AHIMA) 86th Convention and Exhibit was held September 27 – October 3 in the San Diego Convention Center, and Health IT Outcomes editor John Oncea had the opportunity to speak with a wide range of attendees.

Oncea was able to speak with AHIMA members and presenters about everything from the effective management of health data, to the need for medical records to deliver quality healthcare to the public, to electronic documentation and health record management. In addition, several of healthcare’s leading vendors shared how technology is enabling HIM professionals better manage the ICD-10 transition, save health systems millions of dollars, achieve HIMSS Level 7, and achieve favorable electronic health record (EHR) implementations.

In this video, Summer Scott Humphreys, executive consultant at Beacon Partners, offers the top two most important tasks to complete for successful ICD-10 project completion, explains the value of dual coding and undertaking a financial impact analysis, and offers ways to keep ICD-10 a top priority during the delay.