
Dell Affiliated Physicians EMR Solution

Source: Dell
Together, Dell and participating hospitals are eliminating long-standing barriers to EMR adoption for small and medium medical practices: cost, complexity and interoperability.

Together, Dell and participating hospitals are eliminating long-standing barriers to EMR adoption for small and medium medical practices: cost, complexity and interoperability. Dell's Affiliated Physician EMR Solution lets hospitals sponsor their affiliated physicians with an EMR solution that is interoperable with the hospital's own health information systems. The solution includes industry-leading EMR and practice management software, hardware systems, and a complete service and support portfolio. Financing options minimize physician up-front and out-of-pocket expenses until ARRA reimbursement starts.

Healthcare providers who adopt EMR and achieve "meaningful use" by 2011 are eligible to receive the maximum reimbursements of up to $44,000 in Medicare or $66,000 in Medicaid from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Reimbursements decline every year thereafter until 2015. Physicians who do not achieve meaningful use by 2015 risk Medicare and Medicaid penalties.