
CREDANT Protector

Source: CREDANT Technologies
The growing number of connectivity options between endpoints and mobile devices is making internal data access all too easy. That's why you need a proven-effective solution like CREDANT Protector for controlling your physical, wireless, and external storage devices.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: CREDANT Protector
Solution Brief: Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Brochure: CREDANT Helping Healthcare

The growing number of connectivity options between endpoints and mobile devices is making internal data access all too easy. That's why you need a proven-effective solution like CREDANT Protector for controlling your physical, wireless, and external storage devices.

CREDANT Protector monitors real-time data traffic and applies highly granular security policies by domain, group, computer, or user. Visibility and control is provided over physical/wireless ports and device use, and enforcement is based on specific devices and data characteristics. CREDANT Protector also supports regulatory compliance via data encryption, logging, alerting and reporting.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: CREDANT Protector
Solution Brief: Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Brochure: CREDANT Helping Healthcare